The Life Planning Workbook

The Life Planning Workbook is designed to help you gain clarity, make decisions and define your best year yet!

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Life planning is about YOUR life, by YOUR design, and YOU taking full responsibility for your actions and results. Crafting My Powerful Life is a life planning and leadership development company for moms who want to take 100% responsibility for designing the life they want. By taking charge of designing our lives we take leadership and become master life crafters.


We then set an example for our children and create a legacy for them to benefit from in the years ahead. I am on a mission to reach, teach, inspire and empower moms around the world to live in your greatness.

The Life Planning Workbook is a guide for reflecting, reviewing, envisioning, and planning for an amazingly productive year. A successful year designed by YOU. Let’s “Sit in the Quiet” and take some time to think about how the year has gone for you. Let’s ask ourselves some tough questions and make plans for change and improvement.

Think about it, how did you do? What worked and what didn’t? What do you want to keep in your life and what do you want to change? Are there people or things you need to remove from your environment to make improvements?

We are going to reflect on and review the past year and celebrate our accomplishments, then we will think out and plan what we want to BE, DO, and HAVE for 2021. This is a guide to help you rock your year, get in the driver’s seat and take control.

It’s your life. Let’s get started!

Ladies, life is hard enough, so let’s quit trying to do it alone. Let’s take the steps to live life on a higher level.